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DRAMeXchange estimates NAND Flash supply bit growth to reach 149% YoY

4 August 2008

Taipei, July 22, 2008 --- According to DRAMeXchange, curbed by extended impact from subprime crisis, inflation pressure and China’s natural disaster, influence of a seasonality downturn for NAND Flash-based end-applications, such as handset, MP3 player and memory card, is intensified from mid 2Q, resu

DRAMeXchange foresees NAND Flash price to rebound in late 3Q

22 July 2008

Taipei, July 16, 2008 --- According to DRAMeXchange, NAND Flash spot price had either dropped slightly or remained stable over the week of July 7 to 14 as demand fades at quarter-end and is not fully in effect to the market so far. As for supply, there’s no significant change currently.

DRAMeXchange indicates DDR2 eTT 1Gb securing at US$1.80 mark

22 July 2008

Taipei, July 15, 2008 --- DRAMeXchange records that prices of 512Mb and 1Gb have dropped by 6.2% and 5.6%, respectively, during July 1-14. In the branded segment, prices of 512Mb 667MHz and 1Gb have been also dropped by 2.9% and 5.9%, respectively, in the same period.

DRAMeXchange foresees 10~20% increase for 1Gb eTT in 3Q

22 July 2008

Taipei, July 2, 2008 --- DRAMeXchange indicates that a low transaction volume during seasonal downturn is normal, but a divergent price trend in two market places is indeed rare. In two weeks time, spot price of eTT 1Gb dropped by 8.4%, down from the high-level US$2.15 in mid June to US$1.97 on June 30. A divergent price trend is observed in DRAM contract and spot market.

DRAMeXchange: price stabilization for NAND Flash after August

22 July 2008

Taipei, July 1, 2008 --- DRAMeXchange indicates that average NAND Flash contract price of 2H June dropped at the range between 5 to 25% due to the quarter-end factor. Market suppliers take strategic price-cut policy to lower their stock and stimulate the weaker NAND Flash market demand.

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