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Third Generation Semiconductor Materials Show Market Potential Due to Rapid Development of 5G and Automotive Technology, Says TrendForce Highlights

26 March 2018

5G is expected to enter commercial operation in 2020, while vehicles become more intelligent, networked and electric, driving the development of SiC and GaN, the third-generation semiconductor materials. TrendForce estimates that the revenue for SiC substrates and GaN substrates will be US$180 million and US$3 million respectively in 2018.

Global Self-driving Taxi Market Will Grow at a CAGR of 81% from 2018 to 2023, Says TrendForce

7 February 2018

Self-driving taxi services that combine ridesharing and autonomous vehicles have undergone road tests in 2017, and most companies expect to launch their commercial self-driving taxi services formally in 2021, which will tremendously change the future of transport. TrendForce estimates the CAGR of self-driving taxis to reach 81% from 2018 to 2023.

TrendForce Expects Taiwanese IC Design Houses to Be Under Greater Competitive Pressure If Broadcom’s Bid for Qualcomm Is Successful

7 November 2017

Fabless semiconductor giant Broadcom Limited (shortened here as Broadcom) announced on November 6 that the company is offering US$130 billion to acquire its rival Qualcomm. Qualcomm’s official response is that the company board is currently reviewing the proposal. This deal, if approved by Qualcomm’s board, represents another milestone for M&As in the global semiconductor sector as its value sets a new record high for the industry. Once completed, TrendForce expects the deal will expand Broadcom’s presence in the automotive electronics market. Furthermore, the joining of Broadcom and Qualcomm will impact the global foundry market and threaten the competitiveness of China's and Taiwan's IC industries in the future.

TrendForce Announces Top 10 Trends in Information and Communication Technology Sector for 2018

2 November 2017

As 2017 comes to an end, global market intelligence provider TrendForce has unveiled a list of top 10 trends in the information and communication technology sector for 2018. These trends will be influencing the development of key industries in the upcoming year.

Key Excerpts From TrendForce’s IT Industry Forecast for 2018 at Shanghai

26 October 2017

Themed as “development trends and opportunities of components industry” and “outlook on industrial innovation and application trends,” the IT Industry Forecast for 2018 was held by TrendForce, a global provider of market intelligence on technology industries, at the Jumeirah Himalayas Hotel Shanghai on October 26, 2017. The event was attended by 500 professionals ranging from talents of such high-tech industries as semiconductor, artificial intelligence (AI) and network communications to representatives of financial institutions and mainstream media. The symposium was kicked off by an opening speech delivered by Dr. C. L. Liu, president of TrendForce. Also, Dr. Yan Xiaolang, vice chairman of China Semiconductor Industry Association (CSIA) and head of professionals group on the construction of demonstration microelectronics college in China, participated in the conference and shared his insights on the global technology industries.

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