According to TrendForce’s latest report, the tablet industry has entered its maturity as the worldwide tablets shipments in 2014 totaled 192 million units, a 2.2% decline compared with the previous year. Besides market saturation, tablets still do not have a strong productive role in everyday lives of consumers and are susceptible to substitution. As a result, the tablet market did not have a noticeable replacement demand and additional growth was limited.
Due to shortages of panels in the mainstream size categories and rising panel prices, the worldwide LCD monitor shipments in 2014 totaled 133.6 million units (AIO products excluded), a year-on-year decline of 6.6%, according to WitsView, a research division of TrendForce.
The replacement of Windows XP systems and the promotion of low-priced notebooks by Microsoft and associated brands helped the 2014 notebook market recover from the bottoming out of the previous year. TrendForce’s newest report shows the total notebook shipments in 2014 reached 175.5 million, representing a year-on-year growth of 3.6%. The growth of the top seven brands were even higher at 14.1%.
TrendForce Corp., a global market intelligence firm, announced today (January 22) that it has become the majority shareholder of Topology Research Institute, with all the controlling stakeholder’s operating rights entailed. Kevin Lin, the CEO of TrendForce, will also hold the title of Chairman of Topology. Topology’s operations, brand, and managing staff will be under the same business model after the merger.
Global smartphone shipments totaled 1.167 billion units in 2014, a year-on-year increase of 25.9%, with combined shipments of Chinese brands reaching 453.4 million units. Chinese vendors thus managed to encompass almost 40% of the global shipments and represent six of the top ten smartphone brands worldwide.