Price Trends

NAND Flash Price Trends

NAND Flash Spot Price $USD

Last Update 2025-02-03 14:40 (GMT+8)

Early notice was announced at 17:50. (20 minutes in advance)
Item Daily High Daily Low Session High Session Low Session Average Session Change
SLC 2Gb 256MBx8 1.3 0.66 1.3 0.66 0.843 0.6 %
SLC 1Gb 128MBx8 1.7 0.53 1.7 0.53 0.749 0 %
MLC 64Gb 8GBx8 4.8 4.1 4.8 4.1 4.368 0 %
MLC 32Gb 4GBx8 3.55 2.25 3.55 2.25 2.352 0 %
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NAND Flash Contract Price in Memory Card/UFD (2H Dec) $USD

Last Update 2024-12-31 09:00 (GMT+8)

Jan. NAND Flash contract price updated on 1/24/2025.
Gold+ Members please click here to download the details.
Item High Low Average Average Change Low Change
NAND 128Gb 16Gx8 MLC 2.2 1.95 2.08 -3.48 % -7.14 %
NAND 64Gb 8Gx8 MLC 1.5 1.3 1.404 -7.75 % -3.7 %
NAND 32Gb 4Gx8 MLC 1.35 1.1 1.179 -4.3 % -8.33 %

Wafer Spot Price $USD

Last Update 2025-02-10 14:40 (GMT+8)

Item Weekly High Weekly Low Session High Session Low Session Average Session Change
512Gb TLC 2.7 2.3 2.7 2.3 2.4 0 %
256Gb TLC 1.45 1.05 1.45 1.05 1.18 0 %
128Gb TLC 1.15 0.9 1.15 0.9 1.02 0 %

Memory Card Spot Price $USD

Last Update 2025-02-03 14:40 (GMT+8)

Early notice was announced at 17:50. (20 minutes in advance)
Item Daily High Daily Low Session High Session Low Session Average Session Change
MicroSD 16GB 1.6 1.15 1.6 1.15 1.34 0 %
MicroSD 32GB 1.8 1.38 1.8 1.38 1.535 0 %
MicroSD 64GB 2.5 1.55 2.5 1.55 2 0 %
MicroSD 128GB 4.9 3.35 4.9 3.35 3.915 -0.64 %

PC-Client OEM SSD Contract Price (4Q'24) $USD

Last Update 2024-11-01 17:00 (GMT+8)

Item High Low Average
1TB-mSATA/M.2 TLC PCIe-Value Grade 75 70 71.9
512GB-mSATA/M.2 TLC PCIe-Value Grade 45 41 42.4
256GB-mSATA/M.2 TLC PCIe-Value Grade 35 30 33.4
1Q25 PC-Client OEM SSD Contract Price updated on 1/22/2025, click here for details.

SSD Street Price $USD

Last Update 2025-02-14 10:00 (GMT+8)

Brand Interface Series Capacity High Low Average Change
ADATA SATA 3 SU630 240GB 44.85 23.94 35.37 4.21 %
Kimtigo PCIE 3.0 TP3000 512GB 27.1 20.9 24 0 %
Crucial SATA 3 MX500 250GB 80.98 47.65 66.57 -5.11 %
Kingston SATA 3 A400 240GB 65.12 32.82 43.89 5.23 %
WD SATA 3 WD Green 240GB 62.56 36.31 47.94 -4.7 %
In order to provide a more accurate SSD street price database to our customers, DRAMeXchange expanded the sample size of SSD prices. We currently survey over 50 retailers in the US market per SSD model, 5 times more than that of the original methodology.
Data from the UK and Japan markets were excluded from our SSD street price survey because their sample sizes are statistically insignificant and their market scales are unrepresentative of the overall market.

NAND Flash Wafer Contract Price $USD

eMMC Spot Price $USD

eMMC 128GB eMMC 64GB eMMC 32GB

eMMC/UFS Contract Price $USD

1Q25 eMMC contract price updated on 1/22/2025, click here for details.

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