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DRAMeXchange indicates WW DRAM capacity cut has surpassed 22% in January 2009

15 January 2009

Taipei, January 13, 2009---  DRAM chip price has plunged since 2007 and suffered loss for almost seven consecutive quarters. WW DRAM vendors have lost 10 billion USD in 2007 and 2008, among this Taiwanese vendors stands 4.2 billion USD.

2009 WW DRAM CAPEX expected to cut 40% to 50%, says DRAMeXchange

15 January 2009

Taipei, January 6, 2000 --- According to DRAMeXchange, in the spot market, DDR2 1Gb eTT chip price has increased from the lowest 0.59 USD to recent 0.92 USD, a range of 56% since Mid December (12/15-1/6). DDR2 667 Mhz 1Gb chip price also rallied from 0.58 USD to 0.78 USD with the range of 34%.

Monitor panel prices stay flat in 1HJan, says WitsView

13 January 2009

Taipei, January 7, 2008---According to WitsView's 1HJan price survey, mainstream TV and notebook panels continued to fall respectively by 2-6% ($5-10) and 4-5% ($2-3), while monitor panels remained stable.  

WitsView: Sluggish demand sends SI and brand monitor shipments down in November

13 January 2009

Taipei, December 24, 2008---According to WitsView’s Top 10 SI monitor survey, shipments slumped by 28.3% MoM during November. But given the deteriorating global economy, clients continued to cut orders, thus resulting in a bigger than expected decline.

TV panel prices still face huge pressure in 2HDec due to inventory issues, according to WitsView

13 January 2009

Taipei, December 22, 2008---According to WitsView’s market survey, mainstream IT panel prices fell by 2-4% ($2-3) in 2HDec, while TVs dropped by 7-11% (about $20-30).  

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