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TrendForce: The Latest Development of Effects on Global Supply Chain Caused by Japan Earthquake

16 March 2011

DRAMeXchange Japan Earthquake and Electrical Brownouts to Affect Silicon Wafer Supply and Global DRAM Capacity

WitsView: Japan Earthquake Affects the Global IT Supply Chain

14 March 2011

Witsview, a research division of TrendForce, indicates that most major LCD panel manufacturers are at Kansai region, Japan. Therefore, not much damage has been done to LCD panel manufacturers.

TrendForce: Japan Earthquake Affects the Global IT Supply Chain (DRAM, LCD, LED, Solar, Battery)

14 March 2011

TrendForce: Japan Earthquake Affects the Global IT Supply Chain (DRAM, LCD, LED, Solar, Battery)  

Tablet PC and Smartphone will consume more than 50% NAND Flash in 2011

8 March 2011

Tablet PC and Smartphone will consume more than 50% NAND Flash in 2011

iPad2, released on March 2nd, is expected to grab more than 70% of tablet market in 2011

3 March 2011

iPad2, released on March 2nd, is expected to grab more than 70% of tablet market in 2011

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