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DRAMeXchange expects the earthquake to reduce the global NAND Flash bit supply by less than 4% in 2Q11

18 March 2011

DRAMeXchange expects the earthquake to reduce the global NAND Flash bit supply by less than 4% in 2Q11

WitsView: Supply chain disorder leads to monthly regression of 8.9% of large-sized panel shipment in February

18 March 2011

According to the latest surveys conducted by WitsView, a subsidiary of Trendforce, large-sized panel shipments fell by 8.9% MoM to 47.59 million units in Feb11.  

March Notebook shipment increased to 40%-50% month over month with low visibility in 2Q11 purchasing orders

16 March 2011

March Notebook shipment increased to 40%-50% month over month with low visibility in 2Q11 purchasing orders

TrendForce: The Latest Development of Effects on Global Supply Chain Caused by Japan Earthquake

16 March 2011

DRAMeXchange Japan Earthquake and Electrical Brownouts to Affect Silicon Wafer Supply and Global DRAM Capacity

TrendForce: The Latest Development of Effects on Global Supply Chain Caused by Japan Earthquake

16 March 2011

DRAMeXchange Japan Earthquake and Electrical Brownouts to Affect Silicon Wafer Supply and Global DRAM Capacity

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