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Press Releases

DRAMeXchange: 2011 netbook shipment will decline 18% YOY, primary growth depends on the emerging market

25 January 2011

DRAMeXchange: 2011 netbook shipment will decline 18% YOY, primary growth depends on the emerging market

DRAMeXchange: 2011 surging tablet and limited notebook and netbook growth

25 November 2010

DRAMeXchange: 2011 surging tablet and limited notebook and netbook growth 

DRAMeXchange: 1Q11 NB shipment will be triggered by new Huron River platform while 2011 NB shipment growth rate is 15.4% under the cannibalization of tablet PC

17 November 2010

DRAMeXchange: 1Q11 NB shipment will be triggered by new Huron River platform while 2011 NB shipment growth rate is 15.4% under the cannibalization of tablet PC

DRAMeXchange: Stable 4Q10 NB shipment is foreseeable and 1Q11 may be better in outlook

11 October 2010

DRAMeXchange: Stable 4Q10 NB shipment is foreseeable and 1Q11 may be better in outlook

DRAMeXchange: NB ODM expand non NB product lines aggressively given fierce competition and slower growth momentum

29 September 2010

DRAMeXchange: NB ODM expand non NB product lines aggressively given fierce competition and slower growth momentum

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