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WitsView: LCD Monitor Shipment Growth in September Could Be Expected

28 September 2010

According to WitsView’s latest survey on LCD monitors, in August 2010, the global top ten LCD monitor brand vendors’ main strategy was to clear away the inventory which was piled up from 2Q10. In response to the continued decline in IT panel prices, panel procurement and set production volume were revised downward to reduce the loss.

DRAMeXchange: 1H'Sep. mainstream NAND Flash contract price decline 5-10% and mild downward price trend is expected in 4Q10.

23 September 2010

DRAMeXchange: 1H'Sep. mainstream NAND Flash contract price decline 5-10% and mild downward price trend is expected in 4Q10.

DRAMeXchange: 1H’Sep DDR3 2GB average contract price decline 10% and 20% QOQ is expected in 4Q10

17 September 2010

DRAMeXchange: 1H’Sep DDR3 2GB average contract price decline 10% and 20% QOQ is expected in 4Q10

WitsView: Large-sized Panel Shipment Added 2% in August; Inventory Pile-Up Led to A Weaker Peak Season

16 September 2010

According to the latest survey by WitsView, large-sized panel shipment posted a 2% MoM increase to 51.79 million units in August. Downstream vendors restocked early in preparation, leading to the record high shipment in large-sized panels in 2Q10. However, since the end-market demand was worse than expected, the rising inventory among downstream vendors become the top priority to clear away.

DRAMeXchange: Strong smartphone momentum helps to stimulate NAND Flash demand

14 September 2010

Due to the impact from European financial issue, sloppy end demand and higher inventory level, 2H10 shipment from IT and consumer electronics has been adjusted down. However, mobile handset vendors has aggressively digest the inventory and launch smartphone, handset shipment will lead any other consumer electronics.

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