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Press Releases

DRAMeXchange: 2H’Oct. DDR3 2GB “Average” contract price declined 14.3% and 30% decline is expected in 4Q10

1 November 2010

DRAMeXchange: 2H’Oct. DDR3 2GB “Average” contract price declined 14.3% and 30% decline is expected in 4Q10

DRAMeXchange: Strong 2011 SSD shipment growth is expected with higher popularity among consumers

26 October 2010

DRAMeXchange: Strong 2011 SSD shipment growth is expected with higher popularity among consumers

DRAMeXchange: 4Q10 NAND Flash contract price will indicate the mild decline given the mixed seasonality and new product launch effects

19 October 2010

DRAMeXchange: 4Q10 NAND Flash contract price will indicate the mild decline given the mixed seasonality and new product launch effects

DRAMeXchange: DDR3 2GB 1H’Oct contract price are reaching U$30 and likely going down

15 October 2010

DRAMeXchange: DDR3 2GB 1H’Oct contract price are reaching U$30 and likely going down

DRAMeXchange: USB3.0 will heat on in 2011

12 October 2010

DRAMeXchange: USB3.0 will heat on in 2011

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  • 223 page(s)
  • 1114 result(s)

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